AVP 29th Sunday OT

Update from St Ann, St Vincent, St Patrick Parishes


29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The parable of the unjust judge

"If peace is to be established, the primary requisite is to eradicate the causes of dissension between [peoples]. Wars thrive on these, especially on injustice. Many of these causes stem from excessive economic inequalities and from excessive slowness in applying the needed remedies. Other causes spring from a quest for power and from contempt for personal rights. If we are looking for deeper explanations, we can find them in human jealousy, distrust, pride, and other egotistic passions."

Pastoral Constitution on theChurch in the Modern World (at 83)Vatican Council II


The next Gathering is Sunday, October 23rd. At the request of many, we are changing the time of the gathering to Sunday morning. It seemed wise to ask people to come to one event on Sunday. Our lives are busy enough. Sorry for the short notice.We will begin with the 9:45 Mass and then adjourn to the Family Center. Msgr John will just have to bilocate in order to get the 11:15am Mass in. But he is used to it.

All are welcome of any age or parish.We will learn and grow together.Please check out our website for more information. avptriparish.org

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Renovation Work at St Ann

The outside stonework is complete and we are reasonably sure that the fabric of the church building is good for 80 years.

Attention now turns to work inside: painting the walls and polishing the marble; and perhaps flooring.

Check out the Photo Album on the website

 of before and after pictures. We are adding more pictures all the time.

A Prayer...

Janet Morley




7:00am at St Ann

7:00am at St Ann 

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